Rob Allen U Muzzle Eye

Colour: Silver
Sale price$9.99 AUD
Sold out


  • Stainless Steel

  • Strong and Durable

  • Use for Reel Line

Rob Allen Muzzle Eye U-Shackle


The Rob Allen Muzzle Eye U-Shackle attaches to the bottom of the gun muzzle when a reel is connected to the gun. This small stainless steel U shaped shackle is a guide for the reel line to go through when released. When a reel is attached to a gun and the spear has been shot out, you do not want the reel line to be traveling through the muzzle (if closed) or not be guided (if open) so the U-shackle muzzle eye will guide the line to the end of the gun and then the spear will take the rest. This small shackle is a very important part to have when you are putting a reel on your gun.


For more information regarding gun reels and D-shackles contact Dive Warehouse on 07 55316511

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